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February starts bright and warm

Well inside The Grange it was bright and warm - perfect for some backgammon. Even with Brentford playing Manchester City at home, 20 backgammon players turned out for 2 Swiss and a knockout.

It was particularly good to welcome new player Jimmy Desai and to see Valérie again after her month away, as well as being my first night back this year after chasing penguins and icebergs in Antarctica. Thanks to Gavin and Mihail for their TD duties while I was away.

Congratulations to Steve John (pictured left) who won the knockout final against Peter Bennet and to Mike Ireland and Jonathan Shaul who won the 2 Swiss.

Next week is already the February Grand Prix, so hope to see you then. Brentford didn't do anything to improve their ranking in the table last night - I'm sure you'll have more luck at BGiE next Monday!



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