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New-fangled tech lands at BGiE

Our club IT vice president, Andrew Ankrah (pictured left) launched his latest groundbreaking innovation this Monday.

Costing all of £5.89, this astonishing breakthrough is set to revolutionise all of our lives and probably lead to one or more of us becoming world champion in the next 12 months.

Enough of the drumroll - what is it you ask?

Well, it's an old anglepoise lamp stand with a webcam tied on the top with a piece of yellow rope, plugged into a Y2K compatible lapthingy (see picture.) All items available from Portobello market or had previously fallen off the back of a truck.

"This setup allows you to record your matches for a fraction of the rip-off prices being charged by so-called professional suppliers and you only need 3 people to help you carry the equipment in and set it up," Andrew explained.

On its first outing the set-up performed flawlessly, but Andrew did have to admit that his attention was somewhat affected by needing to attend to the tech, resulting in him losing all 3 of his matches on the evening.

The winners of the two Swiss tournaments were Gavin (pictured right) and Zigi - congratulations to them and thanks to everyone else who came along to play.

In all seriousness, we do love Andrew's enthusiasm and desire to improve - we hope you do too and that we will see you at the club next week, cheering him on in his journey to world class!


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Jul 03, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thanks that made me chuckle x

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