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Swiss proves a hit with the Aussies

Merrin (pictured right, playing Valérie) carried off the 12 player Swiss with 4 straight victories - also beating Henry, Mike and Gavin along the way. Congratulations to her for putting the Aussie cat amongst the pigeons!

We also had Dan Mars join us quite by chance - he was having a drink at The Grange having just arrived in the UK from Melbourne and was amazed to see a fully functioning backgammon club appear before his jet-lagged eyes.

He took the chance to join the Swiss and ended up winning 3 of his 4 matches - well done Dan and we hope to see you again sometime.

Thanks as usual to everyone who came out to play - it was a busy one with the Wanstead Club head to head, the Swiss and a round robin - 25 players in all on the night.

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