And he's not the only one on a roll; Andrew Ankrah is undefeated 2 weeks on the trot, winning his Swiss last night and beating all his opponents at the Wanstead club challenge last week.
Talking of which, we have our last club challenge of the year coming up on Wednesday 18 October against Twickenham at their venue, The Brouge pub at 7 pm. If you'd like to play for Ealing please put your name on the list now.
The club head to heads work on a home and away basis and so if you played when we hosted Twickenham back in April this year, it would really be appreciated if you make every effort to return the favour they did in coming to play us.
Tariq (pictured right, playing Liviu Ionescu last night) also continues to lead the Grand Prix standings with just two more GP nights to come this year. The next one is in two weeks time on 9 October.
It was a full house again last night with 24 players across 3 tournaments. With such large numbers of players it really helps the TD if you register and pay before arrival, ideally around lunchtime on Monday - that way the tournament admin can be done ahead of time, we start on schedule and everything runs smoothly.

Please also note that we are a cashless club (payments by bank transfer only) and if playing your last match of the evening on a club board you should put it away in our lovely new Swan case before you leave. The roadies thank you!