Three men in white were seen at BGiE on Monday and Henry Keane on the left of the picture was the one in the firing line. Chief interrogator is thought to be world-renowned author Alec Barr, the other two may be Mihail Popa and Jimmy Ishac.
Henry's 'mascot' can be seen trying to leave the scene by edging away from him across the table. We all know it's really a UFO (unidentified furry object) and is almost certainly why the undercover men in black were there.
While all this was going on, the two Swiss tournaments were won by Gavin Anderson and Aydin Kolcak. The knockout was won by Neculai Axinte. Congratulations to them all and thanks to everyone else that came along and tried their luck. A big thank you to Valérie for being TD on the night.
If anyone knows of Henry's whereabouts please get in touch.